The Wolf Wilder

the wolf wilder

Sorry for not being around for a long time. But anyways I have read a really good book called the Wolf Wilder written by Katherine Rundell and its honestly become one of my favourite books. It’s about a girl called Feodora and her mum who is a wolf Wilder. They both live in the snowy part of Russia in a forest with a wooden house. Since her mother is a wolf Wilder (a person who teaches Wolfe’s to be wild again after they’ve come they’ve been domesticated by the rich for pleasure) there is a chapel that is ten minutes away from their house that a has a pack with a  a few wolves in it. One day the army goes knocking on their door at night because they think that one of their wolves has eaten their deer or something (can’t remember now!) and as a punishment they take Feodoras mother away and take her to jail. So the she story is about Fedora finding justice. And along the way she makes many friends that help her including a boy from the army but didn’t want to join in the first place called Illya. It’s such a beautiful story about how friendship can go a long way and the writing it’s self is extremely unique and it’s almost set out like a fairy tale. If I were you I would definitely put this in your ‘to be read’ list!!

Thanks for reading Fan warriors!!


Peace outπŸ˜‹πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘‹